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Wheelchairs and Handcycle Racing – 7 Excellent Races

Hello Everyone. My name is Kevin Mills and I am the Supreme Chancellor at Walk It Off Spinal Cord Recovery and Wellness Centre. I thought it might be helpful to share with you 7 excellent races for those athletic individuals out there who are currently in wheelchairs.
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Preventing Illness in those with Spinal Cord Injuries

One of the most common secondary health concerns regarding clients/patients with spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are urinary tract infections (UTI’s). SCI clients/patients experience a heightened risk of developing UTI’s from the frequent need to perform intermittent catheterization to empty their bladders on a daily basis. The average incidence rate of UTI’s is 10.3 per 1000 catheterizations. Diet can play a role in prevention and treatment of UTI’s. Maintaining a diet high in Protein, Zinc and Vitamins A, C and E can help with management of UTI’s
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‘Total Gym’ Equipment for Spinal Cord Injury Clients at WIO

The Total Gym (TG) offers many benefits to a Spinal Cord Injury client because it is adjustable to suit the individual’s physical abilities, needs and exercise goals no matter the level of paralysis. Completing exercises on the TG allows the client to perform movements they would not usually be able to complete, in a safe and controlled manner with the assistance of the SCI Recovery Trainer here at Walk it Off when needed.
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Spinal Cord Recovery Program – Whole Body Vibration Therapy

The Vibe Plate uses Whole Body Vibration (WBV) technology, which offers additional health benefits to the individual standing on the equipment. It has been suggested that using the Vibe Plate for 10 minutes, three times a week will result in improved range of motion and flexibility, increased blood circulation and muscle strength, and increased bone density to help fight osteoporosis.

Nervous System Activation Technique (NSAT) for Spinal Cord Injuries

NSAT consists of performing a variety of gross motor exercises that isolate muscles of the arms, legs and core. The SCI Recovery Trainer performs these exercises passively by moving the limbs through their natural ranges of motion.