Happy New Year from All of Us at Walk It Off
The last few months brought a great finale for the end of 2017 with some of our annual fundraisers. As a Not-For-Profit organization, we rely on regular fundraisers to continue to provide top quality services and cutting edge programs for our clients. Without our wonderful supporters we would not be able to provide all of this. Here is a recap of 2017 at WIO!

Kinesiology Networking Fair at the University of Guelph – Humber
Last week we were invited to attend the University of Guelph- Humber Kinesiology Networking Fair, at the Humber College Campus. This was our second time attending this annual event. It is here where Kinesiology students studying in their third or fourth year are invited to network with various employers in order to make connections, and search for career or placement opportunities. We were pleasantly surprised to learn about another program within Humber College that benefits from this fair.

Canada Summer Jobs Funding Through Service Ontario
Walk It Off received funding so we could provide the salary and experience to a student during the summer months this year. It was good to have the help of a motivated individual looking to expand their knowledge in their field of education.…

Registered Physiotherapist Job Opportunity Newmarket
WALK IT OFF Spinal Cord Wellness Centre Inc. is a Not-For-Profit organization that provides exercise-based recovery, education and support to those living with neurological disorders, specializing in spinal cord injuries (SCI). We aim to improve quality of life and increase independence by maximizing recovery. We are looking for a contract Registered Physiotherapist. Our client base consists of SCI, ABI, CVA, MS and CP with 70% of our clientele in wheelchairs.

The 6th Annual 5k Run-Walk-&-Roll Event Was a Blast!
What a day! WHAT AN EVENT! Thank you and congratulations to all the participants of this year’s 5km Run, Walk and Roll! This was the 6th annual event hosted by Walk It Off, at Fairy Lake in Newmarket on May 28th and what a fun day it was! Click here to see the full online photo album from the event.

In Loving Memory of David Ralph “Dave” Dieno
In Loving Memory of David Ralph "Dave" Dieno
April 19, 1956-May 29, 2016
Funeral service is at Roadhouse and Rose on Main Street in Newmarket at 1:30 pm on Saturday followed by a Celebration of Life at the Holland Landing Community Centre from 3:00 pm to 6:00pm.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of one of Walk It Off’s loved members, Dave Dieno. On the morning of May 29th, Dave suffered a heart attack and tragically, did not survive.

Walk It Off Adds Registered Kinesiology to the List of Health Care Services Provided
Walk It Off is proud to announce that two of our SCI Recovery Trainers, Rebecca and Taylor, are officially Registered Kinesiologists!
In September, both trainers wrote their entry-to-practice exam with the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (COKO). We are very pleased to announce that after enduring a painful wait period, both Rebecca and Taylor were informed they passed the exam and we are happy to add Registered Kinesiology (R.Kin) to the list of health care professions we can offer at Walk It Off along with Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy and Personal Training.

Walk It Off Visits Project Walk Orlando!
As many of you know, our SCI Recovery Trainers, Taylor, Alyssa and Rebecca, went down to Orlando for the last week of January to visit our friends at Project Walk! If you are unaware of Walk It Off’s origin, Heather and Kevin went down to Project Walk in 2009 shortly after Kevin’s accident. While at Project Walk, they were amazed by the innovative physical therapy Kevin received that was focused specifically on spinal cord injury recovery. After their time at Project Walk, Heather and Kevin decided this special type of therapy needed to be available in Canada and that’s how Walk It Off was born.
Over the years, Walk It Off has maintained a special relationship with Project Walk Orlando. Heather and Kevin have continued to visit Project Walk Orlando over the years to experience their therapy techniques; not to mention getting a small reprieve from the Canadian winters in sunny Orlando. This year, the SCI Recovery Trainers were the lucky ones heading down to Project Walk Orlando to experience and learn first hand all about the exciting sessions happening there!

Walk it Off Welcomes Two New Staff Members
Walk It Off is pleased to welcome two new staff members to our team! We are happy to introduce our new Spinal Cord Injury Facility Assistant, Jennifer, and our newest Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Trainer, Taylor. We have been getting to know them over the past month and we think you will enjoy working with them as much as we do!

Walk it Off Spinal Cord Recovery Centre Welcomes New Intern
Working at Walk It Off has been amazing so far. I am grateful that Walk It Off offers placement opportunities and accepts volunteers; I have the opportunity to learn about this industry and experience working with individuals with neurological disabilities.