Our Program

Our Program at Walk It Off was designed to provide individuals living with neurological conditions an accessible gym environment to achieve their therapy goals with our trained therapists and specialized equipment. We provide client-centred programming specifically designed to focus on individuals’ goals, strengths and challenges.

Our program welcomes all individuals living with neurological conditions in all stage of recovery. We look forward to working with you whether you are just beginning your journey after hospital discharge or if you are looking to enhance your health and wellness living with a chronic condition.

Sessions Run from 1-3 Hours and Consist Of:

  • Our In-House Nervous System Activation Technique (NSAT): passive + active-assisted extremity range of motion (ROM) coupled with external stimulation to facilitate nervous system stimulation and motor relearning
  • One-on-one instruction with a Neuro-Recovery Trainer
  • Variety of Load Bearing Exercises
  • Strength & Conditioning for general health or sport-specific needs
  • Balance Training
  • Hands-On Manual Therapy
  • Locomotor Training with Specialized equipment such as partial bodyweight support systems Litegait and ICARE, New Lift Walker
  • Electrical Stimulation with our Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Bike for arm or leg ergometry, and Neuro-Muscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)

Activity-Based Therapy (ABT) and Neuro-Recovery

Walk It Off is recognized as an Activity-Based Therapy (ABT) centre; we specialize in providing ABT to our clientele to aid in their neurological recovery process. ABT uses exercise interventions including load bearing exercises such as standing, gait/locomotor training, and high repetition tasks to stimulate and create activation within the nervous system. Movements are task-specific and performed at a high intensity, focusing on stimulating below the level of injury (Musselman et al. JNER 2018).

Praxis Spinal Cord Institute defines ABT as “…an intervention that targets activation of the neuromuscular system below the level of the lesion with the goal of retraining the nervous system to recover a specific motor task. This can be achieved through a variety of ways, for example, using robotics, electrical stimulation, or repetitive movement training without the use of high tech devices (e.g. treadmill or overground gait training).”

The goal of ABT is to promote the reorganization of the nervous system for relearning and retraining of the neuromuscular system to produce meaningful movements and contraction of muscles below the level of injury to help with recovery and health maintenance.

ABT & Health Maintenance

Our ABT program assists participants in maintaining muscle mass and bone density and the physical foundation needed to compliment other therapy programs and to coincide with future medical advances.

As many of our clients have lived with their conditions for years, health maintenance is an essential part of our program. Many do not receive exercise benefits past pushing their own chairs. Some health maintenance benefits of our ABT program are listed here:

  • Slow the onset of osteoporosis and osteopenia
  • Prevent Joint contractures, maintain healthy range of motion (ROM)
  • Build and maintain muscle mass
  • Improve cardiovascular fitness
  • Improve bowel and bladder functioning
  • Decrease the risk of pressure ulcers by increasing circulation
  • Mental Wellness and Socialization

What is Physiotherapy? What is Kinesiology?

A commonly asked question is “what is the difference between a physiotherapy and a neuro-recovery program?” A physiotherapy program is overseen by a Registered Physiotherapist or Physiotherapy Resident. A Neuro-Recovery program is overseen by a Registered Kinesiologist.

In terms of your program, both the physiotherapists and kinesiologists receive identical ABT training and both perform ABT programs with our clients. Kinesiologists are our movement specialists, they work on optimizing your functional movement and performance through exercises. Physiotherapists have attained an additional 2-year Masters program which allows them to identify and treat specific injuries to restore optimal functioning of the injured area. All our staff work together as a multi-disciplinary team designing and implementing the best possible program for you!

Physiotherapy is a commonly accepted program that is covered by private insurance companies. Unfortunately at this time, there is limited private insurance coverage for kinesiologists. Considered reaching out to your private insurer to discuss your coverage options.