
The Rhyme to the Reason
Walk It Off (WIO) clients can attest that our therapists struggle at keeping track of the number of repetitions (reps) during exercises. You may find yourself doing one or two more from time to time, but they do have a method to the madness.

Walk It off at Toronto’s Second Annual Abilities Expo
This January Walk It Off (WIO) started the new year with the opportunity to join in on the second annual Abilities Expo in Toronto. We were excited to receive another invitation to display our organization in one of the booths.
For those…

Happy New Year from All of Us at Walk It Off
The last few months brought a great finale for the end of 2017 with some of our annual fundraisers. As a Not-For-Profit organization, we rely on regular fundraisers to continue to provide top quality services and cutting edge programs for our clients. Without our wonderful supporters we would not be able to provide all of this. Here is a recap of 2017 at WIO!

Kinesiology Networking Fair at the University of Guelph – Humber
Last week we were invited to attend the University of Guelph- Humber Kinesiology Networking Fair, at the Humber College Campus. This was our second time attending this annual event. It is here where Kinesiology students studying in their third or fourth year are invited to network with various employers in order to make connections, and search for career or placement opportunities. We were pleasantly surprised to learn about another program within Humber College that benefits from this fair.

Another Successful Year at the 29th Magna Hoedown!
The weekend we’ve all been waiting for has come and gone. Another Hoedown has past, and what a weekend it was! This past September 15th and 16th marked the 29th annual Magna Hoedown. A BIG thank you to the @MagnaHoedown and those who came out this past weekend to support Walk It Off and the other 19 local charities participating. Like previous years, the food, entertainment and overall atmosphere was nothing short of amazing.

Canada Summer Jobs Funding Through Service Ontario
Walk It Off received funding so we could provide the salary and experience to a student during the summer months this year. It was good to have the help of a motivated individual looking to expand their knowledge in their field of education.…

Registered Physiotherapist Job Opportunity Newmarket
WALK IT OFF Spinal Cord Wellness Centre Inc. is a Not-For-Profit organization that provides exercise-based recovery, education and support to those living with neurological disorders, specializing in spinal cord injuries (SCI). We aim to improve quality of life and increase independence by maximizing recovery. We are looking for a contract Registered Physiotherapist. Our client base consists of SCI, ABI, CVA, MS and CP with 70% of our clientele in wheelchairs.

Bring Back the Game with Todd Keirstead – May 5th
Friday, May 5th, 11am-2pm, at the Bradford Highlands Golf Club
Walk It Off is excited to announce that we are teaming up with Todd Keirstead to offer an adapted golfing demonstration! The golf demonstration will take place on Friday May 5th at the Bradford Highlands Golf Club. Todd will work with three groups of participants on the driving range; all ability levels welcome, for an hour each.

Walk It Off at the 2017 Abilities Expo Toronto
As most of you know, Walk It Off (WIO) participated in the first annual Abilities Expo at the International Centre in Mississauga the weekend of Jan 20-22. The Abilities Expo is a great venue which brings together service and retail providers, the latest technology in adaptation and accessibility, and leisure information all under one roof.

The Lowdown on the Magna Hoedown
WHAT A WEEKEND! The Magna Hoedown was nothing short of a success! With Walk It Off Recovery as first time participants in the Hoedown, we were blown away by the event and thoroughly enjoyed being there as volunteers and as event-goers.
From the moment you stepped onto the Magna grounds you felt as if you were in the middle of the Wild, Wild West. The grounds were transformed for Hoedown with live cattle grazing outside the tent, corn stalks, hay bales and seasonal flowers accenting the event area, and event-goers sporting their finest plaid and cowboy accessories. Inside, guests enjoyed the mouth-watering Texan spiced buffet as the musicians showed off their talents and sparked the dancing and singing to commence. The crowds were thrilled by the varied musical acts and (line) danced the night away!