
The Rhyme to the Reason
Walk It Off (WIO) clients can attest that our therapists struggle at keeping track of the number of repetitions (reps) during exercises. You may find yourself doing one or two more from time to time, but they do have a method to the madness.

Walk It off at Toronto’s Second Annual Abilities Expo
This January Walk It Off (WIO) started the new year with the opportunity to join in on the second annual Abilities Expo in Toronto. We were excited to receive another invitation to display our organization in one of the booths.
For those…

Another Successful Year at the 29th Magna Hoedown!
The weekend we’ve all been waiting for has come and gone. Another Hoedown has past, and what a weekend it was! This past September 15th and 16th marked the 29th annual Magna Hoedown. A BIG thank you to the @MagnaHoedown and those who came out this past weekend to support Walk It Off and the other 19 local charities participating. Like previous years, the food, entertainment and overall atmosphere was nothing short of amazing.

A Huge Thank You to Magna International!
On behalf of Walk It Off, we would like to thank Manga International for its outstanding philanthropy. The Magna Hoedown provided a magnificent weekend of music and fun for the community, and a fantastic fundraising platform for local charities and not-for-profit organizations on September 16th and 17th .
$497,000 raised at the 2016 Magna Hoedown!

Walk It Off Visits Project Walk Orlando!
As many of you know, our SCI Recovery Trainers, Taylor, Alyssa and Rebecca, went down to Orlando for the last week of January to visit our friends at Project Walk! If you are unaware of Walk It Off’s origin, Heather and Kevin went down to Project Walk in 2009 shortly after Kevin’s accident. While at Project Walk, they were amazed by the innovative physical therapy Kevin received that was focused specifically on spinal cord injury recovery. After their time at Project Walk, Heather and Kevin decided this special type of therapy needed to be available in Canada and that’s how Walk It Off was born.
Over the years, Walk It Off has maintained a special relationship with Project Walk Orlando. Heather and Kevin have continued to visit Project Walk Orlando over the years to experience their therapy techniques; not to mention getting a small reprieve from the Canadian winters in sunny Orlando. This year, the SCI Recovery Trainers were the lucky ones heading down to Project Walk Orlando to experience and learn first hand all about the exciting sessions happening there!

Walk It Off has Been Chosen as a Donation Recipient!
Walk It Off staff will be participating throughout but you can catch us at the Mall en masse on December 16th and 17th from 6:30-9pm. Come out and say hello, get your gifts wrapped and support 4 great causes.

Celebrating 3 Years at Walk It Off Spinal Cord Recovery Wellness Centre!
On Wednesday January 21, 2015, Walk It Off Spinal Cord Wellness Centre will be celebrating 3 years of operation, making a difference in the lives of people who have suffered a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). To showcase our achievements, we cordially invite you to attend our Open House on Wednesday, January 21st, 2015. Drop in from 12:00pm-5:00pm.

4th Annual 5K Run-Walk-&-Roll for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery
Walk If Off will be holding our 4th Annual 5K Run-Walk-&-Roll for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery on Saturday, May 31, 2014. This is a chip-timed event for all who want to race. Walkers and Rollers can come out and get some exercise for a good cause (strollers and leashed pets are welcome). Walk It Off asks for pledge collection from our participants to help our cause but we also offer the option for participants to collect pledges for specific Walk It off clients. One hundred percent of Pledge collections for Walk It Off clients go directly on credit to that individual’s account at Walk It Off.

Importance of Standing for Those with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCIs)
At Walk It Off, our entire program is out of the wheelchair. We incorporate not only standing in a session but other weight bearing activities with the body in various planes. The attraction to our facility is not just about the equipment we use for standing, but the one-on-one personal attention that our program calls for. We get EVERYONE up on his or her feet!

Decreased Bone Mineral Density & Joint Contractures for Those with SCIs
In our last blog post, we talked about the potential complications of immobility for those with spinal cord injuries (SCIs). In this blog post, we'll elaborate on issues such as decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and the potential for joint contractures (joint immobility).