
Another Successful Year at the 29th Magna Hoedown!
The weekend we’ve all been waiting for has come and gone. Another Hoedown has past, and what a weekend it was! This past September 15th and 16th marked the 29th annual Magna Hoedown. A BIG thank you to the @MagnaHoedown and those who came out this past weekend to support Walk It Off and the other 19 local charities participating. Like previous years, the food, entertainment and overall atmosphere was nothing short of amazing.

The 6th Annual 5k Run-Walk-&-Roll Event Was a Blast!
What a day! WHAT AN EVENT! Thank you and congratulations to all the participants of this year’s 5km Run, Walk and Roll! This was the 6th annual event hosted by Walk It Off, at Fairy Lake in Newmarket on May 28th and what a fun day it was! Click here to see the full online photo album from the event.

6th Annual 5K Run-Walk-&-Roll Event May 28th at Ferry Lake
With the official arrival of spring, and hopefully the beginning of warm and sunny weather, comes the start of outdoor running season. Walk It Off is excited to announce that on Saturday May 28, 2016 we will be hosting our 6th Annual 5K Run-Walk-&-Roll event!
Whether you are looking to shed some pent up hibernation energy and walk with friends and family, run a personal best, or sponsor one of the clients of Walk It Off, our Run-Walk-&-Roll is the event for you!

FUN, FUN, FUNdraisers for Spinal Cord Recovery at Walk It Off
Walk It Off is delighted to announce that over the upcoming months we will be hosting multiple fundraisers. As a not-for-profit organization, we depend on the generous support we receive from the community, groups and individuals during these fundraising events. Donations and funds raised go directly into subsidizing treatment cost for our members as well as into purchasing new equipment that is vital to our members’ recovery process. These generous donations are the reason we are able to continually improve our services and assist our clients on their path to recovery and wellness.

4th Annual 5K Run-Walk-&-Roll for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery
Walk If Off will be holding our 4th Annual 5K Run-Walk-&-Roll for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery on Saturday, May 31, 2014. This is a chip-timed event for all who want to race. Walkers and Rollers can come out and get some exercise for a good cause (strollers and leashed pets are welcome). Walk It Off asks for pledge collection from our participants to help our cause but we also offer the option for participants to collect pledges for specific Walk It off clients. One hundred percent of Pledge collections for Walk It Off clients go directly on credit to that individual’s account at Walk It Off.