
Happy New Year from All of Us at Walk It Off
The last few months brought a great finale for the end of 2017 with some of our annual fundraisers. As a Not-For-Profit organization, we rely on regular fundraisers to continue to provide top quality services and cutting edge programs for our clients. Without our wonderful supporters we would not be able to provide all of this. Here is a recap of 2017 at WIO!

Walk it Off Spinal Cord Recovery Centre Welcomes New Intern
Working at Walk It Off has been amazing so far. I am grateful that Walk It Off offers placement opportunities and accepts volunteers; I have the opportunity to learn about this industry and experience working with individuals with neurological disabilities.

Preventing Illness in those with Spinal Cord Injuries
One of the most common secondary health concerns regarding clients/patients with spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are urinary tract infections (UTI’s). SCI clients/patients experience a heightened risk of developing UTI’s from the frequent need to perform intermittent catheterization to empty their bladders on a daily basis. The average incidence rate of UTI’s is 10.3 per 1000 catheterizations. Diet can play a role in prevention and treatment of UTI’s. Maintaining a diet high in Protein, Zinc and Vitamins A, C and E can help with management of UTI’s

Nervous System Activation Technique (NSAT) for Spinal Cord Injuries
NSAT consists of performing a variety of gross motor exercises that isolate muscles of the arms, legs and core. The SCI Recovery Trainer performs these exercises passively by moving the limbs through their natural ranges of motion.