
The Rhyme to the Reason
Walk It Off (WIO) clients can attest that our therapists struggle at keeping track of the number of repetitions (reps) during exercises. You may find yourself doing one or two more from time to time, but they do have a method to the madness.

Another Successful Year at the 29th Magna Hoedown!
The weekend we’ve all been waiting for has come and gone. Another Hoedown has past, and what a weekend it was! This past September 15th and 16th marked the 29th annual Magna Hoedown. A BIG thank you to the @MagnaHoedown and those who came out this past weekend to support Walk It Off and the other 19 local charities participating. Like previous years, the food, entertainment and overall atmosphere was nothing short of amazing.

Canada Summer Jobs Funding Through Service Ontario
Walk It Off received funding so we could provide the salary and experience to a student during the summer months this year. It was good to have the help of a motivated individual looking to expand their knowledge in their field of education.…

Walk It Off at the 2017 Abilities Expo Toronto
As most of you know, Walk It Off (WIO) participated in the first annual Abilities Expo at the International Centre in Mississauga the weekend of Jan 20-22. The Abilities Expo is a great venue which brings together service and retail providers, the latest technology in adaptation and accessibility, and leisure information all under one roof.

The Lowdown on the Magna Hoedown
WHAT A WEEKEND! The Magna Hoedown was nothing short of a success! With Walk It Off Recovery as first time participants in the Hoedown, we were blown away by the event and thoroughly enjoyed being there as volunteers and as event-goers.
From the moment you stepped onto the Magna grounds you felt as if you were in the middle of the Wild, Wild West. The grounds were transformed for Hoedown with live cattle grazing outside the tent, corn stalks, hay bales and seasonal flowers accenting the event area, and event-goers sporting their finest plaid and cowboy accessories. Inside, guests enjoyed the mouth-watering Texan spiced buffet as the musicians showed off their talents and sparked the dancing and singing to commence. The crowds were thrilled by the varied musical acts and (line) danced the night away!

Getting Ready for the Walk It Off 5KM at Ferry Lake on May 28!
The 6th Annual 5 km Run-Walk-&-Roll for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery at Ferry Lake in Newmarket is quickly approaching!
Sunday, May 28th is just around the corner and all of our clients at Walk It Off are training hard to get prepared for the main event. We're working on their strength and endurance to make sure they are ready for what awaits them on the course. And so they have enough energy for the pancake breakfast and other fun activities we have lined up!

6th Annual 5K Run-Walk-&-Roll Event May 28th at Ferry Lake
With the official arrival of spring, and hopefully the beginning of warm and sunny weather, comes the start of outdoor running season. Walk It Off is excited to announce that on Saturday May 28, 2016 we will be hosting our 6th Annual 5K Run-Walk-&-Roll event!
Whether you are looking to shed some pent up hibernation energy and walk with friends and family, run a personal best, or sponsor one of the clients of Walk It Off, our Run-Walk-&-Roll is the event for you!

Walk It Off Adds Registered Kinesiology to the List of Health Care Services Provided
Walk It Off is proud to announce that two of our SCI Recovery Trainers, Rebecca and Taylor, are officially Registered Kinesiologists!
In September, both trainers wrote their entry-to-practice exam with the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (COKO). We are very pleased to announce that after enduring a painful wait period, both Rebecca and Taylor were informed they passed the exam and we are happy to add Registered Kinesiology (R.Kin) to the list of health care professions we can offer at Walk It Off along with Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy and Personal Training.

Walk It Off Clients Participate in 2015 Parapan Am & Pan Am Activities
I think it’s fair to say that seeing athletes of all different abilities competing in many different sports caused a bit of “panamania” here at Walk It Off. From Canada placing second in overall medal count and our very own Anita Kaiser in the PanAm torch relay to Kevin Mills being asked to participate in the Parapan Am torch relay and complete a handcycling demonstration at McMaster University, it’s hard to not get excited about it!

ICARE – Intelligently Controlled Assistive Rehabilitation Elliptical
This piece of equipment differs from a typical gym elliptical machine by allowing individuals
with varying disabilities the opportunity to stand and take strides safely. A harness is used to
support the individual while increasing or decreasing the amount of weight that goes into the
feet. The ICARE offers the option to exercise with different degrees of motor assistance. The
ICARE can be used as a typical elliptical or set to move an individuals legs when the motor
senses muscle fatigue. It can also be set in automatic mode for those with complete paralysis.