
The Rhyme to the Reason
Walk It Off (WIO) clients can attest that our therapists struggle at keeping track of the number of repetitions (reps) during exercises. You may find yourself doing one or two more from time to time, but they do have a method to the madness.

Olfactory Ensheathing Cells and Spinal Cord Recovery
Six months post-surgery, with intensive physiotherapy and neurorehabilitation, Fidyka was beginning to notice gains in muscle mass and was able to tentatively take steps with the use of leg braces, parallel bars and a physiotherapist. Fidyka also recovered improved trunk stability, some voluntary movement in his lower extremities and partial recovery of superficial and deep sensation below his injury level. Diagnostic imaging suggests that with the cell transplant, the 8 mm gap in Fidyka’s spinal cord has repaired and regenerated (4).

Decreased Bone Mineral Density & Joint Contractures for Those with SCIs
In our last blog post, we talked about the potential complications of immobility for those with spinal cord injuries (SCIs). In this blog post, we'll elaborate on issues such as decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and the potential for joint contractures (joint immobility).