
The Rhyme to the Reason
Walk It Off (WIO) clients can attest that our therapists struggle at keeping track of the number of repetitions (reps) during exercises. You may find yourself doing one or two more from time to time, but they do have a method to the madness.

The Lowdown on the Magna Hoedown
WHAT A WEEKEND! The Magna Hoedown was nothing short of a success! With Walk It Off Recovery as first time participants in the Hoedown, we were blown away by the event and thoroughly enjoyed being there as volunteers and as event-goers.
From the moment you stepped onto the Magna grounds you felt as if you were in the middle of the Wild, Wild West. The grounds were transformed for Hoedown with live cattle grazing outside the tent, corn stalks, hay bales and seasonal flowers accenting the event area, and event-goers sporting their finest plaid and cowboy accessories. Inside, guests enjoyed the mouth-watering Texan spiced buffet as the musicians showed off their talents and sparked the dancing and singing to commence. The crowds were thrilled by the varied musical acts and (line) danced the night away!

December Donations to Walk it Off
This year, Walk It Off is also fundraising for a larger facility! We have been hard at work growing over the last couple years and we are outgrowing our current home and looking to expand into a bigger one - Not that we don’t like all being in such close quarters, but we think everyone can agree, it’s getting a bit tight!

Walk it Off Spinal Cord Recovery Centre Welcomes New Intern
Working at Walk It Off has been amazing so far. I am grateful that Walk It Off offers placement opportunities and accepts volunteers; I have the opportunity to learn about this industry and experience working with individuals with neurological disabilities.