
The Rhyme to the Reason
Walk It Off (WIO) clients can attest that our therapists struggle at keeping track of the number of repetitions (reps) during exercises. You may find yourself doing one or two more from time to time, but they do have a method to the madness.

Walk It Off – 2017 Magna Hoedown Recipient!
We are excited to announce that once again, Walk It Off has been selected as a recipient for the 29th Annual Magna Hoedown! The proceeds raised will help support twenty non-profit organizations and community groups within York Region.

Walk It Off at the 2017 Abilities Expo Toronto
As most of you know, Walk It Off (WIO) participated in the first annual Abilities Expo at the International Centre in Mississauga the weekend of Jan 20-22. The Abilities Expo is a great venue which brings together service and retail providers, the latest technology in adaptation and accessibility, and leisure information all under one roof.

Getting Ready for the Walk It Off 5KM at Ferry Lake on May 28!
The 6th Annual 5 km Run-Walk-&-Roll for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery at Ferry Lake in Newmarket is quickly approaching!
Sunday, May 28th is just around the corner and all of our clients at Walk It Off are training hard to get prepared for the main event. We're working on their strength and endurance to make sure they are ready for what awaits them on the course. And so they have enough energy for the pancake breakfast and other fun activities we have lined up!

FUNDRAISERS, FUNDRAISERS, FUNDRAISERS!! – Benefiting Walk it Off this 2014
It's that time of year when we ask everyone to help us raise funds for our program here at Walk it Off Recovery. We are honoured to announce 3 fundraisers - all benefiting WIO this 2014 holiday season. Please mark your calendars for...

2 New Trainers Welcomed to the Walk it Off Team
Spring marks growth and new beginnings at Walk it Off Spinal Cord Recovery and Wellness Centre as we announce the addition of two new Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Recovery Trainers to our team; Talal Chaudhry and Ashley Richardson.

Walk It Off Spinal Cord Recovery & Wellness Centre
Walk It Off Spinal Cord Recovery and Wellness Centre (WIO) has had a very successful fundraising year enabling us to add 4 significant and valuable pieces of equipment to our therapy program. With over $60,000 raised, we were able to purchase a Functional Electrical Stimulation Bike ($35,000), a VibePlate ($3,500) and most recently, a LiteGait harnessed walker and GaitKeeper treadmill ($23,000). Becoming a Not for Profit organization and subsequently the ability to fundraise for our equipment, has allowed us to provide our program at an affordable cost so we can reach more individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI).